Your Union and the Campaign for Green Jobs

There is no future in coal. Not only will it wreck the lives of people already suffering the effects of drought, storms and floods around the world, it will fail to give rural Queenslanders secure jobs. Over the last five years 60 per cent of global coal operations have been running at a loss. Michael Roche, chief executive of the Queensland Resources Council, said in 2016 that ‘these are some of the worst … Read more

Cloudland Collective Public Meeting: How do we generate a future without coal?

Our climate is already changing as the result of global warming. Without action right now, our future will be one of extreme weather events and rising sea levels at an unimaginable cost to humanity. Yet our governments remain wedded to the economic voodoo of coal. Why? What is the truth about coal, the economy and jobs? What is a just alternative that acknowledges the needs of workers and communities and how can we … Read more

‘The Adani Mine, Climate Catastrophe and the Promise of a Green Economy’ – Adrian Skerritt

The Adani mine will have a devastating effect on precarious equatorial environments. It will play a role in driving millions from their homes. It will further destabilise the economies of rural Queensland towns and consume state resources that could otherwise be spent on schools, hospitals, public housing and social services. It will ruin Aboriginal land. It will fatally pollute underground water sources and the Great Barrier Reef. If we discovered the Queensland and … Read more

#StopAdani Roadshow – Brisbane

For the sake of future generations around the planet, we cannot allow Adani’s Carmichael Coal Mine in Central Queensland to go ahead. This is a make or break moment. Join the fight for a green economy, respect for traditional land owners and a just transition to safe and secure employment for coal miners and workers in coal-fired power stations. Australia is organising a Stop Adani Roadshow to build the movement against this … Read more

#Stop Adani? There are many reasons why the Carmichael coal mine project must be stopped.

The Adani mine, or Carmichael Coal mine, is a proposed MEGA mine on the lands of Wangan and Jagalingou peoples in central north Queensland. It is the first of nine mines proposed for the Galilee Basin. If we allow this mine to go ahead, it WILL threaten the local environment, the Great Barrier Reef and the planet. It will NOT provide many jobs for Queenslanders and it will not provide much revenue for … Read more